I missed the application deadline. Can I still submit my application?
- We do not accept applications after the application deadline has passed.
- You are welcome to apply for the next semester. We accept applications in every semester since a study start for the Master’s program is offered both in winter semester and in summer semester.
I don’t have my Bachelor’s degree certificate yet. Is it possible to apply for the Master’s program in the upcoming semester?
- Yes, it is possible to get a conditional admission with the duty to present your Bachelor’s certificate within one year.
What language certificates should I include in my application?
- For studying in English language, a C1 English language certificate (e.g. IELTS >= 7 points) is required.
- If you do have German language skills, please include the certificate in your application.
Late arrival: Due to a late appointment in the German embassy, I will not be able to arrive in Erlangen until the semesters begins. Is late arrival possible?
- Our university is aware of the difficulties students might face regarding travel and their arrival.
The program allows students to complete the whole enrollment process online and via post mail and to join the study program in person / physical presence until 15th of May (summer semester) / 15th of November (winter semester) the latest. - Here you find a “Letter of Confirmation of Enrolment Period, Language of Instruction and Extension M.Sc. Electromobility-ACES”:
for winter semester 2024/25: Extension_Letter_generic_2024ws
for summer semester 2025: Extension_Letter_generic_2025ss;
A personalized extension letter can be requested via email (mb-master@fau.de). - Please note that, if you skip your application and apply again for the next semester, you have to do a new application via campo, so we cannot guarantee you a study place for the next term. Please include your admission letter for the previous term in your application.
Where can I change my postal adress?
- Please contact zuv-masterbuero@fau.de to update your adress in the admission letter.
Can I defer my admission to next intake?
- It is not possible to defer your admission to the next semester. Of course, you can apply again for the next semester (please include your admission letter for the previous semester).
Are there any introductory events offered for new students? Where can I find further information about starting at FAU / Faculty of Engineering?
- An introductory session is offered for new students at the beginning of each semester. Please find the details here: https://www.tf.fau.eu/studying/events-and-offerings-for-students/introductory-events-of-the-faculty-of-engineering-tf/#collapse_1
- Please take a look at the brochure First Steps at the Faculty of Engineering containing useful information for international beginners: https://www.tf.fau.eu/studying/events-and-offerings-for-students/introductory-events-of-the-faculty-of-engineering-tf/#collapse_3
Where can I find information about the degree program and the list of major modules for ACES students?
- Please find detailed information in our study guide at https://www.aces.study.fau.eu/students/study-guide/
I can’t find / register for a course in campo.fau.de.
- For lectures you don’t need to register via campo, but only for the exam (from about middle of November on in winter semester / from about end of May on in summer semester). You have to register in Studon for lectures, exercises etc. to gain access to scriptums, additional material etc. You can find the link to the corresponding Studon group for each lecture in campo.
I would like to register at vhb (“Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern”) for courses.
- Please notice that all vhb courses listed as specialization modules in ACES are generally permitted.
- You only have to ask the study-service-center if you want to take other vhb courses that are not listed, e.g. as elective module.
Which majors should I choose? / How do I choose between the 4 majors ACES and register for courses?
- When the lectures start, you may choose 2 of the 4 majors ACES and every major has a separate list of modules (see here). Registration for courses starts after the beginning of the lecturers (middle of October / April).
- Please choose two different majors. It is not allowed to choose one major twice.
Can I study the entire master degree in english?
- Yes, there are various modules either in English or German language. In the module list it is indicated whether these courses are offered in English (E) or in German (D).
I have a conditional admission with the duty to complete mandatory subject(s) (e.g. Production Technology, Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, Electrical Engineering II). How can I take these courses?
- Please visit the lectures/exercises and register for the exam during examinations registration period. Please register for the examination via campo under “77777 Additional achievements”.
- The credits for this course are part of the 120 ECTS of the Master’s program (elective modules). After completion of the module, you may contact the examinations office to request to shift the passed exam to the elective section.
What is “Practical Training / Internship (8 weeks)” with 10 ECTS and how can I complete this?
- You have to do an internship for at least 8 weeks in a company. If you already worked in a company after your bachelor degree, this maybe could be regognized as Practical training. Please find further information here: Internship office
What is a project thesis with advanced seminar? Can this project be completed in a group work? Who can I contact to receive a topic?
- “The Project and the Master’s thesis should deal with a scientific topic from one of the selected majors. Supervision is provided by a full-time lecturer from the technical faculty involved in this major and, if necessary, by scientific employees commissioned by the faculty.”, see study guide.
- “The results of the Project and of the Master’s thesis are to be presented in a 20-minute oral presentation followed by a discussion as part of an Advanced Seminar. The date for the presentation will be set by the supervising lecturer either during the final phase or after submission of the master’s thesis and announced at least one week in advance.”, see study guide.
- The Project Thesis has to be completed individually (no group work).
- Open positions are usually published on the homepages of the institutes.
- Your supervisor will register the thesis at the examinations office.
- Please find further information in the module description.
I failed an exam of one of my majors in the last semester and now I have been automatically registered for the exam. Why is this so and what can I do about it?
- If you fail an exam, you must repeat it within 6 months of the failed attempt.
- This is stipulated in the examination regulations of the Faculty of Engineering at FAU, please see Sec. 28 (1) Clause 4 here https://www.doc.zuv.fau.de//L1/PO/Tech/Allgemeine_PO_Bachelor_Master/englisch/ABMPO-TechFak_20070918_idF_20220726_en.pdf
- In Electromobility-ACES this is applicable for all exams that you select or have selected in the past as majors M1 or M2 and also the mandatory subject(s) from your admission letter.
- You only have the option of contacting the examinations office to change the topic/subject of the repeat examination. In this case, only a reduced number of attempts are available for the newly selected subject (3 – # failed attempts in the previous subject). Please note: Shifting failure attempt(s) is a registration for another module and must be done within official registration period.
- Please note: If you fail in your third attempt, you will be deregistered automatically (“Exmatrikulation”) and will not be allowed to continue your study in this degree program.
Due to visa issues, I was not able to complete any courses in my first semester. Therefore, I would like my first semester to be removed.
- It is not possible to remove any semester.
- You are allowed to study in the Master’s program ACES for 6 (=4+2) semesters.
How many students will be in the master program?
- We expect about 100 students each semester.
Where can I find accomodation?
- Student accomodation is offered by students’ service (Studierendenwerk): https://www.werkswelt.de/index.php?id=wohnen
- Further information, tips and advice on housing: https://www.fau.eu/education/student-life/accommodation-2/
What are the semester fees and living costs / where can I find an official expense letter?
- Semester fees are 72 € for Student Services’ contribution, no additional tuition fees will be charged.
- You can find a list of the living costs here: https://www.fau.eu/education/student-life/financing-your-studies/costs-of-studying/
- Official letter with current monthly living expenses (expected for academic year 2024/25): Monthly living cost_2024_25_akt
Where do I find information regarding public transportation?
- If you would like to use public transport, you can purchase the 38 euro ticket (“Bildungsticket”). The ticket is valid for one month and across Germany in local public transport (ÖPNV) as well as for regional public transport (S-Bahn, Regionalbahn). The ticket also includes 600 free minutes of bicycle hire each month with the “VAG Rad” scheme.
- For further information: https://www.fau.eu/education/student-life/semester-ticket/
Where can I find general information regarding living in Germany, financing your life, connecting with people,…?
- A free online course “Germany Starterpack for Students” is offered by DEGIS: https://www.degis.info/germany-starterpack-for-students/
- DEGIS – Deutsche Gesellschaft internationaler Studierender – is a recognized non-profit organization building the largest community for international students in Germany.