
At High-Voltage Motorsports e.V., everything revolves around high speeds and precision, as students develop their own racing cars in the club's workshop in Tennenlohe.   High-Voltage - at FAU this does not stand for the first album by Australian rock band AC/DC, although it does have someth...

Category: Aktuelles, Allgemein

Prof Marion Merklein receives a Frederick W. Taylor Medal for her research work! The SME (Society of Manufacturing Engineers) awards several prizes and honours every year. The Frederick W. Taylor Research Medal is of particular importance in the field of production science. Candidates can be nomi...

Category: Aktuelles, Allgemein

For all freshmen in master ACES we offer the following information events: Friday 12 April 2024 – Master’s degree program   11:00 – 12:30 Uhr Master e-mobility-ACES (in English language) Only online, Zoom-Link: https://fau.zoom.us/j/67199764718?pwd=bXNuQWdsNW4xYzJJUDJEVmRBR2lSUT...

Category: Aktuelles

In July 2022, the student's union e-mobility ACES ("Fachschaftsinitiative FSI ACES") was founded. You can reach it via fsi-aces@fau.de. The FSI ACES is part of the student council and independent of the university administration. It offers advice on personal, minor questions, but not on legal que...

Category: Aktuelles, Allgemein